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Contact us

102 Cumberland Street, Westbrook, Maine 04092 USA

TEL: 207-854-4060
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Driving Directions:

From South of Portland, Maine Mall or Portland Westbrook Maine (PWM) Airport: Take I-95 north to exit 48. At second light take a right. Drive 1.3 miles straight ahead (don’t be tempted by the road baring left at the Rite Aid). Cross the bridge. The Elms Inn is the first building on your left. 102 Cumberland Street.

From North of Portland: Take I-95 south (or I- 295 south to (Falmouth exit 11 to I-95 south) to I-95 south to exit 48. At second light take a right. Drive 1.3 miles straight ahead (don’t be tempted by the road baring left at the Rite Aid). Cross the bridge. First building on your left. 102 Cumberland Street. The Elms Inn.

From the Heart of Portland: Take Brighton Ave.(Rte. 25 West) until you arrive in Westbrook. Drive 1.5 miles straight ahead (don’t be tempted by the road baring left at the Rite Aid). Cross the bridge. First building on your left. 102 Cumberland Street. (Many call this the River Road as that’s the name they call it in Windham) The Elms Inn.

From Windham: Rte. 302 to the River Road. (In Westbrook it’s named Cumberland Street) go straight till you get to # 102. Last house on the right before river. The Elms Inn.

From Gorham, Western Maine and White Mountains: From Gorham take Rte. 25 Business District through Westbrook to the rotary. Go 3/4ths around (don’t be tempted by the road baring left at the Rite Aid). Cross the bridge. First building on your left. 102 Cumberland Street. The Elms Inn